Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Quality Management - 775 Words
Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper Effects of Quality Management on Domestic and Global Competition Paper Quality Management within any organization is important because it will guide the organization to success. The goal that the organization is looking to accomplish will heavily depend on what quality of service is offered to the customers. Managers, who provide quality service will increase the level of satisfaction to the customers. Businesses aim to provide the highest level of quality service and products to their customers. In this paper the student will compare and contrast two organizations, one in global market and one in the domestic market. The use of quality†¦show more content†¦Lufthansa Airlines also has a long -term strategic plan for the success of their airline; this airline is always developing techniques for effective communication to ensure that their employees apply total quality to their work. This airline strives to ensure long-term competitiveness in the global market. A successful strategy for developing markets and sales activities relies strongly on t he strategic orientation of an airport as well as the relevant market and customer needs. That is why Lufthansa services are always based on a thorough assessment of their markets, customer base, potential, and existing processes (Lufthansa, 2011) 1. Distribution Channel management –Secure and increase airline revenue and reduce cost 2. Airline- e commerce strategy- using the Internet as a strong platform for information and sales. 3. Airline revenue management and pricing policy- Marketing and sales 4. The sales/distribution strategy and planning- this includes assessment, identification, improvement, and implementation. Competiveness in the global and domestic market The approach for long-term success in the global and domestic market assists both companies in increasing new and innovative plans. These plans should meet the requirements of the customers and the industry in, which they serve. Both airlines have affective strategies in meeting their long-term goals throughShow MoreRelatedDefinition Of Total Quality Management1946 Words  | 8 Pages Total Quality Management is the concept of processes and integration all of functions in an organization in order that to focus on quality control and approach to long-term success will continue improvement in all aspects but not short- term goal. TQM of business plan began in 1980 in the United States. It was popular until early 1990. Nowadays, in the small business to large business, including restaurant and fast food businesses that used system quality standards to manage the organization becauseRead MoreQuality And Total Quality Management1662 Words  | 7 PagesQuality is defined by meeting customers needs. Total quality management in the company through continuous improvement of the quality of its products, services and people. 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