Saturday, November 30, 2019
Manifest Destiny Essays (709 words) - MexicoUnited States Relations
Manifest Destiny MANIFEST DESTINY Manifest Destiny took place in the US in the mid-1800. Manifest Destiny was used among the Americans in the 1840s as a defense for U.S. territorial expansion. It is the presumption that God had destined the American people to at divine mission of American movement and conquest in the name of Christianity and democracy. In order to understand manifest destiny we must first find its origin. John OSullivan first initiated manifest destiny into America in 1845. This New York editor wrote the phrase that captured this mood when he attempted to explain Americans thirst for westward expansion he wrote: the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly expanding millions. There are two components that make up manifest destiny. One is the religious influence and the other is the need and desire for westward expansion. Manifest Destiny was based on the ideal that Americans had the divine right from God to expand its borders with no limit on area or country. For some it was the will of God for the expansionist to spread throughout the country to control and populate the country as they see fit. It did not matter to the expansionist if people such as the Indians were living on that particular piece of land. The expansionist just saw it as they were doing Gods work. The expansionist pushed many Native Americans to also move westward to escape conflict with these so-called followers of Gods will. Some Native Americans did not just turn their heads and allow the expansionist to take the land that so righteously belonged to them. The Native Americans did fight back on some occasions however the Native Americans could not withhold any longer and subsided to the Americans control. The expansionist forced many of the Native Americans on reservations as they continued to move westward to dominate what the ex pansionist thought was theirs to dominate. While some were driven on what they believe was Gods will others saw Manifest Destiny as the historical inevitability domination of North America from sea to sea. Before, manifest destiny, many Americans had small families not by choice, but for the mere fact that many of the people would die before they would reach forty. By the mid 1800s technology began to rise, and the life span for many Americans increased. The U.S. population grew from more than 5 million in 1800 to more than 23 million by the mid century. By the increasing of families in town many of the towns became overcrowded. At this point many Americans looked to the west for possible permanent homes. To others Americas manifest destiny was s looked west for economic gain. The land westward-represented wealth, income, self-sufficiency, and freedom. No one really knew what laid west to them, but many of these people were very adventurerous and took the journey west. By the 1840s expansion westward was at its highest. Many Americans traveled the Santa Fe Trail or the Oregon Trail. Many merchant-traders who took manufactured good from Santa Fe to exchange for furs and other items available there used the Santa Fe Trail. William Becknell, a Missouri trader, first discovered the trail. He opened the Santa Fe trial as a commercial route between what was then the western reaches of the United States and New Mexico. For other adventurers the Oregon Trail seemed to be their source of travel. In 1845 approximately 5,000 traveled the Oregon Trail to Oregons Willamette Valley. The Oregon Trail was the longest pioneer trail that went west. It was a long travel that was approximately 2,00 miles. Many people died on the way, but the thirst for wealth over exceeded the rate of survival. The Santa Fe Trail and The Oregon Trail contributed to many Americans outlook on the westward expansion. Manifest Destiny was a very historic event that was responsible for making America grow. It helped bring about new inventions such as the wagon in 1831. It also helped open paths for the railroad. Because of manifest destiny Americas driven right for expansion and exploration will never die. History
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Biography of Woodrow Wilson, 28th U.S. President
Biography of Woodrow Wilson, 28th U.S. President Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856–February 3, 1924) was the 28th president of the United States, serving from 1913 to 1921. Prior to that, Wilson was the governor of New Jersey. Although he won reelection with the slogan He kept us out of war, Wilson was the commander-in-chief when the country finally entered World War I on April 6, 1917. Fast Facts: Woodrow Wilson Known For: Wilson was the president of the United States from 1913 to 1921.Born: December 28, 1856 in Staunton, VirginiaParents: Joseph Ruggles Wilson, a Presbyterian Minister, and Janet Woodrow WilsonDied: February 3, 1924 in Washington, D.C.Education: Davidson College, Princeton University, University of Virginia, Johns Hopkins UniversityAwards and Honors: Nobel Peace PrizeSpouse(s): Ellen Axson (m. 1885–1914), Edith Bolling (m. 1915–1924)Children: Margaret, Jessie, Eleanor Early Life Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28, 1856, in Staunton, Virginia. He was the son of Joseph Ruggles Wilson, a Presbyterian Minister, and Janet Jessie Woodrow Wilson. He had two sisters and one brother. Shortly after Wilsons birth, his family soon moved to Augusta, Georgia, where Wilson was educated at home. In 1873, he went to Davidson College but soon dropped out due to health issues. He entered the College of New Jersey- now known as Princeton University- in 1875. Wilson graduated in 1879 and went on to study at the University of Virginia School of Law. He was admitted to the bar in 1882. Being a lawyer, however, was not to his liking, and Wilson soon returned to school with plans to become an educator. He eventually earned a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1886. Marriage On June 23, 1885, Wilson married Ellen Louis Axson, the daughter of a Presbyterian minister. They would eventually have three daughters: Margaret Woodrow Wilson, Jessie Woodrow Wilson, and Eleanor Randolph Wilson. Career Wilson served as a professor at Bryn Mawr College from 1885 to 1888 and then as a professor of history at Wesleyan University from 1888 to 1890. Wilson then became a professor of political economy at Princeton. In 1902, he was appointed president of Princeton University, a post he held until 1910. In 1911, Wilson was elected governor of New Jersey. In this position, he made a name for himself by passing progressive reforms, including laws to reduce public corruption. Presidential Election of 1912 By 1912, Wilson had become a popular figure in progressive politics and actively campaigned for the Democratic Partys presidential nomination. After reaching out to other leaders in the party, Wilson was able to secure the nomination, with Indiana governor Thomas Marshall as the vice presidential nominee. Wilson was opposed not only by incumbent President William Taft but also by Bull Moose candidate Theodore Roosevelt. The Republican Party was divided between Taft and Roosevelt, allowing Wilson to easily win the presidency with 42% of the vote. (Roosevelt received 27% of the vote and Taft garnered 23%.) Presidency One of the first events of Wilsons presidency was the passage of the Underwood Tariff. This reduced tariff rates from 41 to 27 percent. It also created the first federal income tax after the passage of the 16th Amendment. In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve system to help deal with economic highs and lows. It provided banks with loans and helped smooth out business cycles. In 1914, the Clayton Anti-Trust Act was passed to improve labor rights. The law created protections for important labor negotiating tactics such as strikes, pickets, and boycotts. During this time, a revolution was occurring in Mexico. In 1914, Venustiano Carranza took over the Mexican government. However, Pancho Villa held much of northern Mexico. When Villa crossed into the United States in 1916 and killed 17 Americans, Wilson sent 6,000 troops under General John Pershing to the area. Pershing pursued Villa into Mexico, upsetting the Mexican government and Carranza. World War I began in 1914 when Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. Due to agreements made among the European nations, many countries eventually joined the war. The Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria- fought against the Allies, Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Japan, Portugal, China, and Greece. America initially remained neutral, and Wilson was renominated to run for the presidency in 1916 on the first ballot along with Marshall as his vice president. He was opposed by Republican Charles Evans Hughes. The Democrats used the slogan, He kept us out of war, as they campaigned for Wilson. Hughes had a lot of support, but Wilson ultimately won in a close election with 277 out of 534 electoral votes. In 1917, the United States entered World War I on the side of the Allies. Two reasons were the sinking of the British ship Lusitania, which killed 120 Americans, and the Zimmerman telegram, which revealed that Germany was trying to get an agreement with Mexico to form an alliance if the United States entered the war. Pershing led American troops into battle, helping defeat the Central Powers. An armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, blamed the war on Germany and demanded huge reparations. It also created a League of Nations. In the end, the U.S. Senate would not ratify the treaty and would never join the League. Death In 1921, Wilson retired in Washington, D.C. He was very sick. On February 3, 1924, he died of complications from a stroke. Legacy Woodrow Wilson played a huge role in determining if and when America would get involved in World War I. He was an isolationist at heart who attempted to keep America out of the war. However, with the sinking of the Lusitania, the continued harassment of American ships by German submarines, and the release of the Zimmerman Telegram, America would not be held back. Wilson fought for the creation of the League of Nations to help avert another world war; his efforts won him the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize. Sources Cooper, John Milton Jr. Woodrow Wilson: a Biography. Random House, 2011.Maynard, W. Barksdale. Woodrow Wilson: Princeton to the Presidency. Yale University Press, 2013.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Regional Dialect - Definition and Examples
Regional Dialect s A regional dialect is a distinct form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area. It is also known as a regiolect or topolect. If the form of speech transmitted from a parent to a child is a distinct regional dialect, that dialect is said to be the childs vernacular. Examples and Observations As opposed to a national dialect, a regional dialect is spoken in one particular area of a country. In the USA, regional dialects include Appalachian, New Jersey and Southern English, and in Britain, Cockney, Liverpool English and Geordie (Newcastle English). . . .In contrast to a regional dialect, a social dialect is a variety of a language spoken by a particular group based on social characteristics other than geography.(Jeff Siegel, Second Dialect Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, 2010)[L]inguists refer to so-called Standard English as a dialect of English, which from a linguistic point of view, is no more correct than any other form of English. From this point of view, the monarchs of England and teenagers in Los Angeles and New York all speak dialects of English, (Adrian Akmajian, Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication, 5th ed. The MIT Press, 2001) Studies of the Regional Dialects in North America The investigation of the regional dialects of American English has been a major concern for dialectologists and sociolinguists since at least the early part of the twentieth century when The Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada was launched and dialectologists began conducting large-scale surveys of regional dialect forms. Although the traditional focus on regional variation took a back seat to concerns for social and ethnic dialect diversity for a couple of decades, there has been a resurgent interest in the regional dimension of American dialects. This revitalization was buoyed by the publication of different volumes of the Dictionary of American Regional English (Cassidy 1985; Cassidy and Hall 1991, 1996; Hall 2002), and more recently, by the publication of The Atlas of North American English (Labov, Ash, and Boberg 2005). (Walt Wolfram and Natalie Schilling-Estes, ​American English: Dialects and Variation, 2nd ed. Blackwell, 2006) Varieties of Regional Dialects in the U.S. Some differences in U.S. regional dialects may be traced to the dialects spoken by colonial settlers from England. Those from southern England spoke one dialect and those from the north spoke another. In addition, the colonists who maintained close contact with England reflected the changes occurring in British English, while earlier forms were preserved among Americans who spread westward and broke communication with the Atlantic coast. The study of regional dialects has produced dialect atlases, with dialect maps showing the areas where specific dialect characteristics occur in the speech of the region. A boundary line called an isogloss delineates each area. (Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, and Nina Hyams, An Introduction to Language, 9th ed. Wadsworth, 2011) Regional Dialects in England and Australia The fact that English has been spoken in England for 1,500 years but in Australia for only 200 explains why we have a great wealth of regional dialects in England that is more or less totally lacking in Australia. It is often possible to tell where an English person comes from to within about 15 miles or less. In Australia, where there has not been enough time for changes to bring about much regional variation, it is almost impossible to tell where someone comes from at all, although very small differences are now beginning to appear. (Peter Trudgill, The Dialects of England, 2nd ed. Blackwell, 1999) Dialect Leveling [T]he frequent complaint today that dialects are dying out reflects the fact that the basis for dialects has shifted. Nowadays, people travel hundreds of miles and think nothing of it. People commute to work in London from as far afield as Birmingham. Such mobility would explain, for example, why 150 years ago there was a traditional Kentish dialect, while today it barely survives, such is the close and regular contact with London. ... [I]nstead of small relatively isolated communities where each person mingles with more or less the same people for a lifetime, we have vast human melting-pots where people have diffuse social networks- mingling regularly with different people, adopting new speech forms and losing the old rural forms. Both developments in communication and the effects of urbanization have contributed to dialect leveling, a term referring to the loss of original traditional dialectal distinctions. (Jonathan Culpeper, History of English, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2005)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Picturesqueness or Expressionism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Picturesqueness or Expressionism - Essay Example The essay "Picturesqueness or Expressionism" analyzes expressionism style and Robert Venturi. Venturi implies that the designs should not be taken literally from the styles of the past. He has been a controversial critic of the works in the past. Actually, his style somehow meant to significantly include the architectural history and collaborate it to come up with a modern piece. His architectures seemed to be different from the normal styles and are hard for the people to understand. Indeed, architecture for him is a simple art and does not always have to look good just like how he promotes the oppositions of the elements hybrid, compromising and distorted. Expressing his art through writings gives many ideas regarding various architectural designs. In addition to, his writings made him say what he perceives about how styles should be in his own taste regardless of the common styles. He describes a lot about complexity and contradiction, as well as picturesqueness. However, these te rms somehow lead to confusion and thus needs further clarification according to what his book says. According to Venturi, â€Å"I like elements which are hybrid rather than 'pure,' compromising rather than 'clean,' distorted rather than 'straightforward,' conventional rather than 'designed’.†It means that his idea of architecture falls under a messy way of expressing the styles and designs. As mentioned, people are having difficulties with his styles and his buildings do not reflect the styles of the past.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Diffrenece between FAA Regulations (FARs) and UAE GCAA Regulations Essay - 1
Diffrenece between FAA Regulations (FARs) and UAE GCAA Regulations (CARs) - Essay Example The regulations cover all activities of aviation ranging from pilot training to the specification requirements for air craft’s and broader issues that deal with the management of flight operations within a jurisdiction. The general civil aviation authority of the United Arab Emirates bears significant resemblance with the federal aviation administration of the United States. From the onset, it is important to recognize the fact that both of these bodies are regulatory bodies that set the required standards in the field of aviation. The standards that the two regulating authorities majorly deal with broadly concern the requirement of the human resource in the aviation industry and the specifications of aircrafts that are to be used within the jurisdictions that the regulations govern. The GCAA for example is in charge of issuing certificates to aircrafts that have complied with all the safety standards of flying within its airspace, the FAA on the other hand prescribes regulations that govern the standard requirements of safety in all aircrafts in the united states. In dealing with personnel issues, both of the organizations are in charge of the training and certification of the aircraft handlers an d all the people directly involved in the manipulation of the planes (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Staff 1982, pp 613). An international standard is also an area that both the organizations correspond in functional operation. Both the GCAA and FAA provide regulations within their territories to ensure that the aircraft standards and the training of personnel meet the international safety standards that are set for safety and airworthiness (International Business Publications, USA. 2012, pp 227). The major driving force behind these regulations is the safety of all the stakeholders in aviation sector. Through imposing strict standards and regulations in the industry, the chances of accidents occurring through
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The factors, which affect demand Essay Example for Free
The factors, which affect demand Essay Demand is the quantity of goods or services consumers will buy at a particular price, at a particular time period. Market demand refers to the sum of individual demand for a good or service. It is assumed that the demand being represented is effective demand- the ability of consumers not just to want, but be able to buy the product. Quantity demanded is the inverse function of price, however there are other factors which influence the level of demand. Factors influencing individual demand differ from the factors influencing market demand. The price of other goods and services affects the demand for a product. If a product has close substitutes, then the responsiveness of demand to change in price is high. The level of income of an individual also influences demand (especially effective demand). The higher ones income the number of wants to be satisfied. People on higher incomes spend more money on goods and services in absolute terms, but less in proportional terms due to their lower average propensity to consume. Personal preference and trends in fashion also dictate the level of individual demand. The size of the population, age composition, distribution of people by sex, and socio-economic status influence the market demand. Big businesses study the composition of the population to best establish their most viable market place. Both consumer expectations and the level of technological progress influence market demand. These factors may affect demand either positively or negatively, resulting in an expansion or contraction of demand. The following model works on the assumption that aside from price all other factors will be kept constant. When the demand curve shifts to the right or left this results in consumers willing to buy more/less of the product at every possible price. A shift in the demand curve could be resulting from changes in tastes, real income, population size and composition, consumer expectations or technological progress. These factors often work simultaneously to increase or decrease demand. However these factors do not apply similarly to all goods. The demand for generic brand products decreases as income rises. The price elasticity of demand refers to the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price. Elasticity is represented by the mathematical formula where the change in quantity demanded is divided by the change in price. If the resulting coefficient is less than one, the product is said to be inelastic. Thus, if prices change by a greater proportion than quantity demanded, the product is inelastic. This applies to basic goods and services, necessities such as bread, and habit-forming goods such as cigarettes. A good is unit elastic if the coefficient of the equation is equal to one. Thus the proportional change in price is equal to the proportional change in quantity demanded. If the proportional change in quantity is greater than the change in price, then the product is said to be elastic. These goods and services are usually quite durable, and high priced such as furniture. There are usually lots of close substitutes, and the industry of the good or service is very competitive. These concepts of elasticity can be visually represented by the gradient or slant of the demand curve. The steeper a curve, the greater the inelasticity, as changes in quantity demanded is quite small. The elasticity of a product is important to governments and producers in making economic decisions. For producers, the elasticity of a product determines any possible price changes. If a product is elastic for example, a price rise may lead to lower total revenue as demand sharply drops. Over the long term businesses try to overcome elasticity by building consumer goodwill and brand loyalty through advertising. Governments, likewise exploit elasticity to maximise total revenue. Governments usually impose high taxes on relatively inelastic goods such as alcohol and tobacco. Despite the higher cost of the product, the demand remains relatively similar, and thus governments earn more from their taxation policy. Both demand and elasticity work in conjunction to influence the decision making process of business and government. They are subject to change due to a number of external factors, yet help in maintaining equilibrium in the market. Graphs *demand curve *expansion and contraction in demand *shifts in the demand curve *elasticity
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Danforth?s Witch Hunt, Is It J Essay -- essays research papers
Danforth’s Witch Hunt, Is it Justified? (An Essay on the Crucible) I write in response to your column regarding Judge Danforth’s actions during the witch trials in Salem. Surprisingly, you praised Judge Danforth for his â€Å"impartiality and tact†during this tragic set of trials. You could not be farther from the truth. Judge Danforth abused his judicial power, throughout the trials, to the fullest of his abilities. His abuses range from berating and coercing witness into saying what he wants them go, to blatantly ignoring testimony that refuted the accusers. He presides over his courtroom as if he has divine right. Judges are supposed to find truth, not invent it. When Mary Warren confessed to Danforth that she, along with the other accusers were sporting, he refused to believe her. To think. that he would obviously ignore her is just beyond my comprehension. he did this simply to save face. To listen to Mary and admit the court system had been wrong was not a choice. Because of this and many other miscalculations on Danforth’s part numerous people lost their lives.      In addition to this, Judge Danforth has chose, very biasedly, what to admit as evidence. He used that power whenever he sought fit. When Giles Corey lacks the evidence to prove that Thomas Putnam hath prompted his daughter to falsely cry witchery on George Jacobs, Danforth dismisses the claim. Why you say? The lack of tangible evidence, yet when the young harlots claimed that invisibl...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Nike Inc. Business Executive Essay
Nike, Inc. is the world’s leading designer, marketer and distributor of all different types of athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide range of sports as well as fitness activities. As far as the locations of where Nike, Inc. sells and distributes, the company licenses its products in approximately over 200 countries around the globe, focusing its products under seven different key categories including running, basketball, football, soccer, men’s and women’s training, Nike sportswear, and secondary Affiliate Brands (Converse, Inc., Hurley International LLC, Jordan Brand, and Nike Golf). Currently, Nike, Inc. is operating segments in over six different global locations including North America, Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, China, and other emerging markets. As far as Nike consumer products go, Nike operates as a company that specifically specializes in fast pace industries concerning various different types of athletic footwear, clothing, and equipment. Right now, this industry is right on point in its competitiveness, exposing Nike to the risk of falling behind to its competitors or by not meeting the demanding innovation standards that are demanded by customers. In order for Nike to stay on top of customer demand, the company must continue to revolutionize and predict consumer preferences. Other companies that are in this industry such as Adidas and Reebok rely on a strong reputation and creative brand images in order to obtain worldwide recognition. If, in the rare occurrence, Nike, Inc. was to attract any negative publicity through the press, it would substantially affect the company’s revenue as well as growth rates. As far as Nike’s strategy goes, it is shooting to achieve a long-term revenue growth by creating various different types of innovative, â€Å"must have†products that will build a deep personal connection with its consumers. As far as Nike’s brands go, the company strives to deliver comp elling consumer experiences through not only retail stores, but online avenues as well. Being the global leader in athletic sportswear, Nike is no longer considered a stranger to the increasingly distinctive and unstable environment of the global economy that has been experienced through recent years. All of Nike’s products have now been subject to the risks that have been associated with overseas outsourcing as well as manufacturing and financing. In lieu of the decline of global capital and credit market conditions that have been threatening to Nike’s business, Nike stands strong in remaining focused on its business strategy, and the company continues to expand long-term growth for its stakeholders. One may wonder exactly how Nike plans to do this in a variety of difficult conditions. The answer is innovation. Innovation and constant improvement at Nike is all about how the company leverages its new ideas and expands them into new parts of the world by driving through barriers and in short, thinking outside of the box. Disregarding the ongoing challenges the harsh economy throws Nike’s way, somehow the company is still able to continue delivering a record revenue in the fiscal year of 2012, continuing to outperform its past five fiscal years. Nike’s r evenues had grown from 16% to $24.1 billion and net income has increased by 4% to $2.2 billion in fiscal 2012. Looking back at Nike’s past four fiscal years, the company has continued to deliver a positive return on net income despite being subject to the economy’s unstable tax and currency rates. As mentioned previously, in fiscal year 2012, Nike’s revenues increased among all operating segments, specifically North America, contributed to over 7%, while other emerging markets as well as China contributed only 4%. Provided with the information, it is now visible how the brand Nike, Inc. continues to be the powerhouse of revenues by generating $13.4 billion alone. Throughout the years, Nike continually invests into innovative strategies the company believes will continually raise annual growth. As a result of the company’s optimism, in 2012 Nike signed an agreement to sell two of its affiliate brands: Umbro and Cole Haan. Despite Nike parting ways with these two developed brands, that action now enabled the company to focus on the highest possible opportunities to d rive a maintainable, profitable growth margin for its shareholders. With the provided information above, it is clear to see exactly what a powerhouse Nike, Inc. is when it comes to athletic sportswear. Although this statement is correct, the interworkings of the company are much more complicated than they seem and more importantly, Nike still has plenty of room for work and improvement. From an operations analysis standpoint, this paper will include specifically how Nike is an effective company. Specifically the main topics will include: products and services, operations and management, alignment of operations, business strategy, and finally just a brief summary of everything and recommendations that are hypothesized to make Nike a better company. History (Robert Leoniy) The two men that started this athletic powerhouse were Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. Bill Bowerman was a nationally recognized track and field coach at the University of Oregon and Phil Knight was a talented middle-distance runner who ran for Bill Bowerman’s team in the Fall of 1955 at the University of Oregon. Between 1950-1959 is where everything all started. In 1964, the first deal for Nike had been made. At that time Nike had not been called Nike. It had gone by the name of Blue Ribbon Sports. The first deal was on a mutual handshake, $500, and mutual trust between both partners and the first order of 300 shoes was placed in January 1964. Between 1970-1979, the birth of the Nike Brand had emerged. Around 1971, the company decided to expand being just a footwear distributor to designing and selling an original line of shoes. Carolyn Davidson, a graphic design student at Portland State University, selected and made the brand mark known today as â€Å"the swoosh†in January of 1972. The logo was then unveiled at the U.S. Track and Field Trials in Eugene, Oregon. They then needed an athlete to promote Nike. They chose Mr. Steve Prefontaine, a young man who was a track athlete from the small coastal town of Coos Bay, Oregon. He also challenged Knight and Bowermann to become more and more creative. He died tragically in 1975 at the age of 24, but is still considered by Phillip Knight as â€Å"the soul of Nike.†Since the ‘80s, Nike has continued to grow and become an innovative company in the athletic industry. Phillip H. Knight is still the Chairman of the Board of Directors while Mr. Mark Parker is the current President & Chief Executive Officer of Nike, Inc. They have grown immensely from just footwear and will continue to do so through innovation. Mission/ Business Strategy (Brian Frederick) Nike’s Mission, as stated on its website is, â€Å"To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world†( The asterisk that goes next to athlete in the mission and on the bottom of the mission statement signifies, â€Å"If you have a body, you are an athlete†( Bill Bowerman, co-owner of Nike, is the one who formed this quote. This is a smart marketing and business strategy for Nike Inc. because some people might not feel that they are athletes if they have not played sports or anything of that nature. It can be a boost of confidence for those people that do not consider themselves to be athletic. It also can be sense of motivation and that start that they need to become active. If a well-known athletic brand like Nike Inc. tells consumers that everyone is an athlete, then people will get motivated and want to live a healthier more athletic lifestyle. Also, when people live a healthier and more athletic lifestyle, it helps Nike, Inc. become more and more successful. Nike is all about athletic apparel. They range from athletic clothing to athletic shoes to athletic accessories, etc. They have a Nike Sector for almost every sport. They have Nike Football, Nike Basketball, Nike Soccer, Nike Golf, Nike Running, Nike BASEBALL, Nike Sportswear, Nike Women’s, and many more. Nike indeed caters to every different kind of athlete. That is part of the reason why Nike does so well. They are an extremely diversified company in terms of the athletic market. They cover all ranges making them attractive to all kinds of people. Although the company has many different avenues, Nike Inc. is most famous for their shoes. When you think of Nike, you think of the swoosh symbol and their shoes. The two most popular types of shoes are their running shoes and their basketball shoes. They definitely have created the most revenue and have been the most successful sector within Nike Inc. over the years. These shoes, especially the basketball shoes, have a lot of celebrity endorsements. Professional basketball players, like Lebron James, have their own shoe lines. People wait in line for hours to get these special edition shoes. While considering basketball players with their own shoe lines, it is relevant to mention how Nike differentiates itself by retaining some wholly owned affiliates. Converse, Inc., Hurley International, LLC. and Nike Golf are all affiliated with Nike, Inc. As of the first quarter for 2014, Converse is recorded separately while Nike Golf and Hurley International are included in the overall financi al statements for Nike. Continuing from the statements above, Nike owns Jordan Brand. Jordan Brand was created by Michael Jordan, who is said to be the best basketball player that has ever lived and played the game. Signing Michael Jordan to his own brand of Nike basketball shoes did wonders for Nike. The celebrity endorsement has lead to great exposure for the company. Because of Michael Jordan having his own Nike brand, the basketball shoes sector of Nike grew a tremendous amount. While Nike has the swoosh symbol that is very well know, Air Jordan has the jump man symbol that has become very popular. It is almost as recognizable as the swoosh symbol. With Jordan Brand, Michael Jordan has been able to gain many basketball superstars and give them their own shoe lines. This has been something that has been very popular for Nike in the past and this prospect seems it will continue to become more and more successful. Jordan Brand already has superstars like Kevin Durant, Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony, and Lebron James with full-fledged lines of basketball shoes and the l ist will only grow. Nike’s main goal has been its ability to develop and mature. They have always been innovative in the athletic department. They are always developing new kinds of athletic materials whether it is a new kind of shoe, a better shirt, or a new accessory. All of their products are developed and made with the idea of optimizing each and every athlete’s performance. The company tries to help an average athlete feel that he or she can make it to the next level if he or she chooses Nike products. Nike ties in its business strategy of optimizing athletic performance with its marketing tactics by doing this. Not everyone is a super-athlete, but if Nike can help a consumer feel that he will be the best athlete possible and perform his best while using Nike products. Also, on its website Nike has an article titled Our Sustainable Strategy with the subtitle The game has changed, forever. It states, â€Å"Our vision is to build a sustainable business and create value for Nike and our stakeholders by decouping profitable growth from constrained resour ces†( They have taken this strategy and will apply it with much research. Because they have â€Å"sustainable strategy,†that does not mean that Nike will not continue to be innovative. They will continue â€Å"sustainable innovation†where the company will improve its products that it has, but will also continue to make newer and better products. SWOT Analysis (Brian Frederick) An article on, shows a SWOT report of Nike, Inc. The article is titled NIKE:A Short SWOT Analysis and was written by Justin Hellman on March 10, 2014. The first strength talked about in the chart was talked about earlier when talking about Nike’s business strategy. That strength is product innovation. The article states, â€Å"Nike has a long tradition of staying ahead of the technology curve, which has helped it attract loyal followers and influential endorsements from professional athletes, from Michael Jordan to Tiger Woods†(Hellman Paragraph 3). Like stated before, Nike continues to improve their products to help athletes all over the world perform to their best abilities while have major superstars endorse their products. The second strength is strong cash flow. Nike often has a good amount of cash on hand which can help itself a lot when it wants to buy back stock and increase its stock price. Justin also stated, â€Å"The company generates a lot of free cash flow, a good portion of which it uses to enhance shareholder value,†and later states, â€Å"There’s ample cash, in the meantime, for NI KE to maintain a large R&D budget†(Hellman Paragraph 4). Nike has a lot of cash to increase the stock’s value but it also uses that money to help continue its innovation procedures. Nike’s only real big weakness is it’s high advertising costs. Justin states, â€Å"Part of the company’s marketing strategy involves locking up major sports stars in lengthy endorsement deals†(Hellman Paragraph 4). All of the major celebrities that NIKE endorses do take a hefty amount of their revenues to pay. Their advertising expenses are high because of the major celebrities but Nike shows that the feel spending the extra money on those celebrities helps them out in the overall scheme of things. Justin Hellman states two major opportunities for Nike also. He states that there are â€Å"favorable industry trends†, â€Å"direct to consumer†, and â€Å"emerging market growth†. Two major things play into the favorable industry trends opportunity. Consumers now have a desire for, â€Å"minimalist footwearà ¢â‚¬ where they want the lightest shoe possible which also links to the increased popularity of running (Hellman Paragraph 5). There is also an increase in the want for fashion in the athletic apparel industry and Nike already has a very well developed logo to go with its name. The next opportunity is â€Å"direct to consumer†(Hellman Paragraph 6). Ecommerce is a major factor in this opportunity and is expected to multiply by almost four times going from $540 million to $2 billion. Also, â€Å"At present there are over 750 retail units worldwide, including over 300 in the United States†(Hellman Paragraph 6). While there are already 750 retail units worldwide, Nike is planning on expanding that number in the future. The other opportunity is â€Å"emerging market growth†(Hellman Paragraph 7). China is definitely a key opportunity that Nike would like to enter. Hellman states, â€Å"But China, with its huge population and emerging middle class, still represents and excellent long-range opportunity for the company†(Hellman Paragraph 7). Nike might not emerge in China just yet but, if it can, that would be a great boost to Nike profits. Also, Justin talks about how Brazil presents a great opportunity with its large population and passion for sports. Finally, there were two major threats stated and those were â€Å"heightened competition†and â€Å"product cost inflation†(Hellman Paragraphs 8 & 9). In recent years, companies have increased the quality of their products and such. There have also been more companies that have been created and have given good competition to NIKE. The most notable company has been Under Armour that went public in 2005. The price of materials has also increased since the beginning of NIKE and seems that it will continue to increase. â€Å"Rising raw material costs are apt to be a long-term headwind, with the developing world continuing to use up more commodities. Labor inflation will likely be an issue too†(Hellman Paragraph 9). As the prices and costs to make the products of Nike, Inc., increases so will the price of the products Nike provides. Overall, Nike still seems to be a company that will be successful in the future. Most of the strengths and opportunities seem to outweigh the weaknesses and threats. The threats that Nike, Inc. has might damper the profits of the company a little but not anything too significant. Also, with the pr oblems of inflation and increased competition, Nike is not alone in the fact that all companies have to deal with all of those factors also. Nike, Inc. will still be a competitive force and can still be a leader in the athletic industry. Company Operations (Catherine Aloise) Because Nike is such a large and complex company, the operations that go with the day-to-day and long-term operations are extensive and multifaceted. The operations management strategy decisions that are generalized for every company can be applied to Nike just as well as any other company, but as stated above, each decision and step to the strategy contains many parts that correlate to the vastness of the worldwide company. Competitively known for the array of sports equipment, the design of Nike products and services is crucial. Nike is known as a modern brand that appeals to the younger generation. A waltz through a busy night of exercise at Montclair State’s very own recreation center will show any passer-by how truly popular and trendy Nike’s products really are. Good looks are not Nike’s only concerns, fortunately. Through considered design, Nike is reducing waste throughout the design and manufacture of products by using environmentally ideal materials and removing toxins. Nike encourages its designers to make smart, sustainable choices at the start of the creative process. Nike wants designers to choose to achieve design breakthroughs and reduce unwanted impacts through ways that are safe for the environment and safe for consumers. This concept goes hand-in-hand with managing the quality of goods and services (â€Å"Designing Products†1). Furthermore, Nike is responsible for maintaining products that are of good value and quality to consumers. The company cannot afford to lose business on malfunctioning shoes because of manufacturing problems and product defects. In the event of a customer purchasing a product defect, he or she is directed to the website where he or she is able to return the product and then choose from a list of options including the approval of a full refund, Nike credit, or a complimentary product of equal value. Nike cannot mess around with customer approval like this which is why quality is valued with utmost regard within the company. If Nike was to lose its consumer base, Nike’s top competitors like Asics, Reebok, and Adidas would sweep the market. Next, location and layout strategies are key in Nike’s business strategy. These two business strategies have a lot to do with marketing. When speaking about layout, every shelf and hanger must be placed according to what appeases the customer’s eye when he or she walks into a Nike store. The placement of the register and the spacing of the displays in the store must also be selected strategically. If a customer walks into a store and feels cramped and crowded by the tightness of space to move around the store, he or she will not linger for too long when grazing through the store. NIKE employees must also consider the seating and dressing rooms for customers to try on clothing within the store. A businessman stopping by the Nike store in a nearby mall will not be seen hopping up and down on trying to maneuver the latest Nike free run onto his aching foot after a long day of work. He will not be seen as a fool in the presence of other customers and Nike employees. This is why chairs must be placed near shoe displays and fitting rooms. Similarly, as businessmen may pass a Nike store in the mall neighboring the office park, corporate Nike employees must think about the location of each store. It is not wise to place a Nike store in a lower-class town that has a low average disposable income. People that reside in towns of this nature will not be able to afford high-end Nike products and the store would flounder and eventually be closed down. It is wise, however, to build a store located in an urban city such as New York City where there are many middle and upper class consumers bustling around on a daily basis. The same concept is applied on a national level. Nike is wise to sell lots of products and have many locations in the United States and England because countries like these are known to spend money on products Nike sells. Meanwhile, Nike would do well to reconsider the thought of expanding to third-world countries in Africa because inhabitants of these countries can barely afford water, let alone high-end exercise equipment. With all of the countries that are actually able to afford Nike’s products, this leaves the company with more jobs to take care of, one being to keep track of the inventory. In early 2000, Nike had some major inventory management problems. The company lost around $100 million in sales due to these issues. Fortunately, following this failure, Nike developed an improved inventory management solution to solve their problems rapidly. In 2001, Nike implemented a modernized version of their inventory management software. Based on historical sales data of different products, and based on some market growth estimates, Nike would first prepare a demand forecast for different families of products. This demand forecast is then used to determine optimal inventory levels, reorder points, material lead times etc. And the entire manufacturing plan for months is determined using these numbers produced by the inventory management software (â€Å"Nike’s Inventory Management Solutionâ₠¬ ). Computer systems that predict how to manage inventory must be maintained in a certain way so that problems and malfunctions do not arise. There are also computer systems used in human resources and scheduling. Error-prone human beings no longer make schedules. Fortunately, there are many options for companies large and small to use when seeking software to create schedules. It is simple and mistakes are few to none. Like everything else, maintenance is required. Alignment of Operations with the Strategy (Catherine Aloise) As stated above, Nike has many ongoing operations within the company but only one outlook and aim when selling products. Nike is selling a lifestyle. With advertisements on television, consumers get an image of an athletic, motivated regime that will help each individual associated with Nike become a better person. This is a very important strategy because what Nike has a strategy to sell an intangible item: a lifestyle that makes people want to â€Å"just do it†. This is the design of goods and services. Once this image of Nike is sold to consumers, the physical products will sell themselves. In order for consumers to be on board and spend money on Nike products, the consumers must then fall in love with all the different avenues offered by Nike. This part of the operation can be seen in the layout strategy. If someone from the nearby country club is in a Nike store looking for golf clothing, he might come across a nice pair of biking shorts that would be great for the upcoming spring weather. Once the Nike biking section is in full view, the opportunities of purchases are endless. Summer is just around the corner so why not invest in a nice flattering pair of Nike swimming trunks as well? The five pounds gained from Easter dinner will just melt right off after all that biking and the trunks will fit like a glove. Once this innocent young man has left the store with his wallet considerably lighter, a small smile lingers on his face as he mutters the phrase â€Å"just do it†subconsciously under his breath as he walks to the car. This strategy is more common than one may think. The layout strategy can be seen in the short story above simply by the way a Nike store is set up and what catches a customer’s eye. The inventory management and design of goods and services go hand in hand with the expansion of athletic and sporting clothing offered by Nike and the innovation of currently existing products. Designers for Nike are always looking for new, innovative ideas to put on the market like the Nike+ fitness application available for smart phones. This application was once just a gleam in the eye of a Nike Designer before it went viral in the iTunes store. The application map individual runs, tracks progress, and get the motivation needed to keep going. The Nike+ Running app tracks distance, pace, time and calories burned with GPS, and gives audio feedback during a run. Users can automatically upload to to see past runs, including routes, elevation and NikeFuel (â€Å"Join Me on Nike+†). Summary/Recommendations (Collaborative) Nike, Inc. is definitely one of the most successful athletic companies in its market and industry today. The company continues to be the industry leader and does not seem to be slowing down. If there were to be any recommendations, it would have to be to keep doing what they are doing and not to lose sight of innovation. If Nike continues to be inventive and groundbreaking and continues to introduce new products on a consistent basis, they should be able to maintain success in the market. Nike, Inc. seems to have all the right tools to do well in today’s economy. Works Cited â€Å".†. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. . â€Å"Designing Products.†NIKE, Inc. -. N.p., n.d. Web. . . Hellman, Justin. â€Å"Research Hub.†NIKE: A Short SWOT Analysis. N.p., 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. â€Å"Nike’s Inventory Management Solution.†Ordoro Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. . . â€Å"Nike. Just Do It.† N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. . â€Å"Strategic Analysis of Nike, Inc.†Strategic Analysis of Nike, Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
NYSE:KKD, A Case Study of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc. Financial Statements
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts was formed in 1933 when Vernon Carver Rudolph bought a doughnut shop in Kentucky. By 1937 the business had branched into a wholesale operation, supplying local grocery stores. Today, the business is owned by Krispy Kreme franchises and there are approximately 449 factory stores throughout the world.Krispy Kreme first floated on the NASDAQ in 2000 and, with a share price of $40.64, immediately gained a market capitalization of $500 million. A year later they switched to the NYSE where they now trade under the ticker symbol KKD.In order to perform a financial analysis of Krispy Kreme we will utilize three main financial statements; the income statement, the statement of cash flow and the balance statement.The Income Statement, or profit and loss statement, will allow us to observe how much profit has been generated by KKD and will allow us to observe how profitable the business is. Whereas the income statement reports the results from operating the busine ss over a given period of time, the balance sheet provides a picture of the firm’s value at a snapshot period in time by presenting details of its assets, liability and owner equity.Whilst an income statement reports a company’s profits this is not actually the same as their cash flows. It is therefore important that we also look at this when analyzing the financial health and wellbeing of a company. By looking at the free cash flows we are able to observe how much cash is available to the company after they have paid for their investments in operating capital and fixed assets. The free cash will be the amount that is available to redistribute to the owners and creditors.The financial reports for Krispy Kreme between the years 2005 and 2007 can be found in Appendix A. At first glance it is evident that a has been made over the last three years since their 2005 filing. This could be potentially attributed to their rapid growth and extension that has necessitated large investments in property, plant, equipment and investments in equity method franchises. The losses, however, have reduced from $7.2 million in 3rd quarter 2006 to $798 in the 3rd quarter of 2007 that could indicate an improvement.The operating income, excluding the $21.05 million in depreciation, of Krispy Kreme at the end of the 3rd quarter 2007 was $22.11. The company has reported an investment of 12.63 that their annual report ( attributed to the sale of property and the reacquisition of some of the franchises. In addition to this KKD retired some of their long debt leading to a net loss of $15.48 in financing activities.The statement of cash flows reveal a net credit to impairment and lease termination of $268,000 in the 3rd quarter of 2007, a huge shift from the charge of $5.4million of 3rd quarter 2006. Clearly in the latter stages of 2006 a number of stores were closed or the franchises were terminated. The third quarter 20 07 balance sheet shows that KKD had cash of $23 million and a debt of $88 million.In order to fully understand KKD’s position in the market we need to understand the data in relative terms, i.e. how is KKD performing in comparison to their competitors or similar companies. An analysis of KKD’s financial rations provides us with further insight into their operations and can allow us to better highlight their strengths and weaknesses. The debt ratio indicates how much debt KKD are using to finance their assets. KKD’s debt ratio discloses that the company has a debt level that matches their level of assets. This is clearly bad news.Furthermore they have negative earnings per share ratio of -5.45. This EPS ratio is significantly below the industry average of -2.75 will entail that it will be extremely difficult to attract new investors as they are unable to offer earnings on the investment, at the moment they are offering a loss. In addition to t his, if the company financials do not pick up and they are forced to default there will be no return for the investors at all.The Return on Sales ratio is currently at .39. This is also below the industry average. Such a low ratio indicates that the sales are not equivalent to the company’s current operating expenses.However, on a positive note, the Current Ratio (an indication of the firm’s liquidity as measured by its liquid assets) of 1.71 shows some recovery and demonstrated that KKD have the resources to meet short-term obligations.One potential source of this could be cash generated by financing activities that can help to offset the unrewarded investments in finance acquisitions. However, this is a short-term option and will not significantly offset investors concerns.KKD currently has a quick inventory turnover and averages 20 days. This indicates that the company is managing their inventory well and is running an efficient operation with minima l waste. In addition to this the turnover in receivable is 8 – 11 days which is much lower than one of their major competitors; Starbucks. Their accounts payable turnover is also high relative to Satrbucks but this is probably a direct outcome of their franchise model.KKD as an investment has received a great deal of negative publicity recently and this will undoubtedly have impacted their share price. Accusations relating to their accounting practices and the potential over inflation of profit levels will undoubtedly have lowered investor’s confidence in the company and has also triggered a number of lawsuits.Through analyzing their current financial status and taking into consideration their ongoing issues with the SEC, I would not invest in this company.Reference PageKrispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc KKD (NYSE) Full Description. Retrieved April 3, 2008, from Reuters FundamentalsWeb site: K reme History. Retrieved April 3, 2008, from Krispy KremeWeb site: Kreme Quarterly Financial Report. (2007). Retrieved March 3, 2008, from Krispy KremeWeb site: Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Economic Deflation and How to Prevent It
Economic Deflation and How to Prevent It Is the problem that there is more to printing money than printing money? Is, in fact, the way printed money gets into circulation, that the Fed buys bonds, and thus gets money into the economy? What is the logical rabbit trail that leads to inflation from printing money? Would solving deflation this way work with todays low-interest rates? Why or why not? Deflation has been a hot topic since about 2001 and the fear of deflation does not look like it will subside anytime soon. What Is Deflation? This article on why money has value explains that inflation occurs when money becomes relatively less valuable than goods. Then deflation is simply the opposite, that over time money is becoming relatively more valuable than the other goods in the economy. Following the logic of that article, deflation can occur because of a combination of four factors: The supply of money goes down.The supply of other goods goes up.Demand for money goes up.Demand for other goods goes down. Before we decide that the Fed should increase the money supply, we have to determine how much of a problem deflation really is and how the Fed can influence the money supply. First, well look at the problems caused by deflation. Most economists agree that deflation is both a disease and a symptom of other problems in the economy. In Deflation: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Don Luskin at Capitalism Magazine examines James Paulsens differentiation of good deflation and bad deflation. Paulsens definitions are clearly looking at deflation as a symptom of other changes in the economy. He describes good deflation as occurring when businesses are able to constantly produce goods at lower and lower prices due to cost-cutting initiatives and efficiency gains. This is simply factor 2 The supply of other goods goes up on our list of the four factors which cause deflation. Paulsen refers to this as good deflation since it allows GDP growth to remain strong, profit growth to surge and unemployment to fall without inflationary consequence. Bad deflation is a more difficult concept to define. Paulsen simply states that bad deflation has emerged because even though selling price inflation is still trending lower, corporations can no longer keep up with cost reductions and/or efficiency gains. Both Luskin and I have difficulty with that answer, as it seems like half an explanation. Luskin concludes that bad deflation is actually caused by the revaluation of a countrys monetary unit of account by that countrys central bank. In essence, this is really factor 1 The supply of money goes down from our list. So bad deflation is caused by a relative decline in the money supply and good deflation is caused by a relative increase in the supply of goods. These definitions are inherently flawed because deflation is caused by relative changes. If the supply of goods in a year increases by 10% and the supply of money in that year increases by 3% causing deflation, is this good deflation or bad deflation? Since the supply of goods has increased, we have good deflation, but since the central bank hasnt increased the money supply fast enough we should also have bad deflation. Asking whether goods or money caused deflation is like asking When you clap your hands, is the left hand or the right hand responsible for the sound?. Saying that goods grew too fast or money grew too slowly is inherently saying the same thing since were comparing goods to money, so good deflation and bad deflation are terms that probably should be retired. Looking at deflation as a disease tends to get more agreement among economists. Luskin says that the true problem with deflation is that it causes problems in business relationships: If you are a borrower, you are contractually committed to making loan payments that represent more and more purchasing power - while at the same time the asset you bought with the loan to begin with is declining in nominal price. If you are a lender, chances are that your borrower will default on your loan to him under such conditions. Colin Asher, an economist at Nomura Securities, told Radio Free Europe that the problem with deflation is that in deflation [theres] a declining spiral. Businesses make less profits so they cut back [on] employment. People feel less like spending money. Businesses then dont make any profits and everything works itself into a declining spiral. Deflation also has a psychological element as it becomes rooted in peoples psychologies and becomes self-perpetuating. Consumers are discouraged from buying expensive items like automobiles or homes because they know those things will be cheaper in the future. Mark Gongloff at CNN Money agrees with these opinions. Gongloff explains that when prices fall simply because people have no desire to buy - leading to a vicious cycle of consumers postponing spending because they believe prices will fall further - then businesses cant make a profit or pay off their debts, leading them to cut production and workers, leading to lower demand for goods, which leads to even lower prices. While I havent polled every economist who has written an article on deflation this should give you a good idea of what the general consensus on the subject. A psychological factor that has been overlooked is how many workers look at their wages in nominal terms. The problem with deflation is that the forces causing prices in general to drop should cause wages to drop as well. Wages, however, tend to be rather sticky in the downward direction. If prices rise 3% and you give your employees a 3% raise, theyre roughly as well off as they were before. This is equivalent to the situation where prices drop 2% and you cut the pay of your employees by 2%. However, if employees are looking at their wages in nominal terms, theyll be much happier with a 3% raise than a 2% pay cut. A low level of inflation makes it easier to adjust wages in an industry whereas deflation causes rigidities in the labor market. These rigidities lead to an inefficient level of labor usage and slower economic growth. Now weve seen some of the reasons why deflation is undesirable, we must ask ourselves: What can be done about deflation? Of the four factors listed, the easiest one to control is number 1 The supply of money. By increasing the money supply, we can cause the inflation rate to rise, so we can avoid deflation. In order to understand how this works, we first need a definition of the money supply. The money supply is more than just the dollar bills in your wallet and the coins in your pocket. Economist Anna J. Schwartz defines the money supply as follows: The U.S. money supply comprises currency - dollar bills and coins issues by the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury - and various kinds of deposits held by the public at commercial banks and other depository institutions such as savings and loans and credit unions. There are three broad measures economists use when looking at the money supply: M1, a narrow measure of moneys function as a medium of exchange; M2, a broader measure that also reflects moneys function as a store of value; and M3, a still broader measure that covers items that many regard as close substitutes of money. How the Money Rupple Is Influenced The Federal Reserve has several options at its disposal in order to influence the money supply and thereby raise or lower the inflation rate. The most common way the Federal Reserve changes the inflation rate is by changing the interest rate. The Fed influences interest rates causes the supply of money to change. Suppose the Fed wishes to lower the interest rate. It can do this by buying government securities in exchange for money. By buying up securities on the market, the supply of those securities goes down. This causes the price of those securities to go up and the interest rate to decline. The relationship between the price of a security and interest rates is explained on the third page of my article The Dividend Tax Cut and Interest Rates. When the Fed wants to lower interest rates, it buys a security, and by doing so it injects money into the system because it gives the holder of the bond money in exchange for that security. So the Federal Reserve can increase the money supply by lowering interest rates through buying securities and decrease the money supply by raising the interest rates by selling securities. Influencing interest rates is a commonly used method of reducing inflation or avoiding deflation. Gongloff at CNN Money cites a Federal Reserve study that says Japans deflation could have been dodged, for example, if the Bank of Japan (BOJ) had only cut interest rates by 2 more percentage points between 1991 and 1995. Colin Asher points out that sometimes that if interest rates are too low, this method of controlling deflation is no longer an option, as currently in Japan where interest rates are practically zero. Changing interest rates in some circumstances is an effective way of controlling deflation through controlling the money supply. We finally get to the original question: Is the problem that there is more to printing money than printing money? Is, in fact, the way printed money gets into circulation, that the Fed buys bonds, and thus gets money into the economy?. Thats precisely what happens. The money the Fed gets to buy government securities has to come from somewhere. Generally, it is just created in order for the Fed to carry out its open market operations. So in most instances, when economists talk about printing more money and the Fed lowering interest rates theyre talking about the same thing. If interest rates are already zero, as in Japan, there is little room to lower them further, so using this policy to fight deflation will not work well. Fortunately, interest rates in the U.S. have not yet reached the lows of those in Japan. Next week well look at seldom used ways of influencing the money supply that the United States may want to consider in order to fight deflation. If youd like to ask a question about deflation or comment on this story, please use the feedback form.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Study Of The Mormons Practice Of Polygamy
A Study Of The Mormon's Practice Of Polygamy My audience consists of African American women from the â€Å"Bible Belt,†that were born and raised in the Baptist Church. When it comes to Mormons, my audience believes that they all believe in polygamy and practice such. Anything different from the King James Bible is a gift from hell, and those who follow other religions are soon to be sent there. My culture knows little to nothing about the different types of Mormons there are, however, they assume that every Mormon is a fundamentalist Mormon. Therefore, my audience does not care about Mormons, especially not in a positive way. If my audience were to read my paper, they would argue that the creation of Mormonism tarnishes the history of Jesus Christ, despite Mormons being Christian as well. They would also not view fundamentalist Mormons as normal people with normal lives. Unknown to my personal culture, Mormons, whether fundamentalist or not, have values and beliefs in common with us. Along with a shared Protestant belie f, Mormons also believe in charity, family, and worship. Mary, Misty, Maya, and Marleen Are All Mine Four wives, seventeen children, and one man are all living under one roof, living day to day in a polygamous marriage. Reality TV shows that enhance the stereotypes of fundamentalist Mormons like TLC’s Sister Wives is the entertainer’s view on their way of life. However, not all Mormons believe in polygamy, and the few that do are called Fundamentalist Mormons. Despite their controversial beliefs, they are still a part of the Christian denomination and share some values with some of the mainstream religions. What led to the creation of the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints (also known as FLDS) was the difference in their teachings and rules which were based on the community’s shared values of dedication to their cause, understanding the role of family, missionary work in and out of the church, and the practice of polygamy to please God. The Mormon faith began in the early 1840s, and Joseph Smith was the founding father (see figure 1). Richard Wagoner argues that Smith privately advocated that polygamous marriages were â€Å"the most holy and important doctrine ever revealed to man on earth,†and it was not until 1852 that Mormons publicly announced to the world their advocacy for polygamy (IX). However, Wagoner says that because of public outcry, the United States government banned the practice of polygamy in 1890 (IX). In fact, Wagoner addresses that the practice of polygamy continued on until 1904 when the Joseph F. Smith, president of the religion, was under immense pressure to begin excommunicating those who continued (IX). Refusing to change, certain Mormons still continued on to practice their polygamy as well as the teachings of the broader Mormon religion, and Wagoner believes this led to the creation of the FLDS (IX). Today, many people still believe that Fundamentalist Mormons and the Church of Latt er-Day Saints are the same. Therefore, other religions, including those of the Christian faith, have assumptions about polygamy being an important part of the Mormon faith. When Wagoner finally published his book in 1949, there were around one million Mormons in the world, and 30,000 Fundamentalist Mormons(IX-X). In 2009, the Census Bureau calculated that there were six million Latter-Day Saints and less than three percent were Fundamentalists (Section 1 Population). However, Fundamentalist Mormons still hold the traditional values of Protestant beliefs close to them, just with the addition of polygamy. Being dedicated to one’s religion through belief is a small value that the FLDS church holds close. Believers think that the Fundamentalist Mormon faith will not work unless the members want to be there. Volunteer work, mission trips, and charity are done by people who want to do it, for the work is hard and has little reward. Conducting an interview to properly understand the dedication of missionary work in the FLDS, Nate Tabak introduces Daniel Harlow, a young man from Europe, who spent many months in Kosovo, with limited communication back home (â€Å"The Mormon Missionary†). Harlow’s dedication to his faith pushed him through the isolation and distance from the people he knew and loved. Richard Foltz reveals that at age twelve, Fundamentalist Mormons allow their male children to work to become priests and encourage them to spend two years of their life to either missionary work or studies (5). Foltz also shows that all Mormons believe that there are lost â⠂¬Å"souls†that are waiting to be born, and that parents dedicate themselves to bringing them down to earth (5). This is why Fundamentalist men take on so many wives who bear them many children: to bring back the lost souls. The Book of Mormon’s Mosiah tells his people â€Å"Are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have†is the reason why the fundamentalists are so dedicated, for God is the reason why humans are here (Mosiah 4:19). However, Foltz discloses that some believers think that through much devotion and dedication that they, themselves, can become gods (5). Therefore, fundamentalist Mormons give their all and dedicate themselves to their faith for fulfillment and bright afterlives. Having large families that consist of more than a man, his wife, and his two children is why the importance of family is a strong value in the Fundamentalist Mormon culture. The more people in the family, the more sacrifices have to be made. Members of the FLDS understood that and added their own special religious spin. â€Å"Any sacrifice we made for each other was rewarded tenfold. We learned to worship together, sorrow together, play and rejoice together, to unselfishly pool all our resources for the good of the family†is a quote by a polygamous wife (qtd by Wagoner in 94). The wife is a symbol of the love one had for their family and the importance it had on their everyday life. Parents of these large polygamous families sacrificed for the entire family, and wives sacrificed for the other wives children as well. Once entered into the sanctity of the first, second, even third marriage, Wagoner emphasizes how men were obligated to take care of their wives and children even if they divorced (48). Wagoner continues on and quotes Apostle George Cannon, who explains that â€Å"not only is the man bound to respect the expressal of her wish to that effect,†meaning divorce, ‘but he is bound also to give her and her offspring a proportionate share of his whole property†(qtd in 93). The Polygamy and its Impact Journal says that in polygamous marriages, the man may have one wife who is infertile and others that can bear many children (â€Å"Polygamy and its Impact†). Therefore, the couple does not have to look at divorce as an option. William Jankowiak says that the â€Å"sister wives†believe that the family bond extends beyond the grave, and that the entire family should have one mind (166). Jankowiak brings more research to the table by explaining that the father-son relationship is the most crucial in the Fundamentalist Mormon culture (166). This is how the social and cultural rules of the faith are passed down through gen erations. An example Jankowiak gives is Abraham passing down the keys to the kingdom to his son Isaac, who passed them down to his sons and so forth (166). Families are valued in that everyone has a purpose and a role in the family. Fundamentalist Mormons show that dedication to family is not an option but a full time responsibility, no matter what happens. The FLDS believes that all members of the church should involve themselves in missionary works, to model after the Lord. Consequently, missionary work is a massive value that is shared within this culture. In the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord commands his people to proclaim my gospel from land to land, and from city to city†¦ bear testimony in every place, unto every people (Doctrine and Covenants 66:5). From this, members of the fundamentalist faith send out missionaries to spread the word of the Mormon faith as well as to increase the population. Missionaries usually are dressed in business attire and are never seen in casual attire while on the job (see figure 2). Tabak’s interview with Daniel Harlow recounts the young missionary saying â€Å"Our purpose is to invite others to come to Christ. We don’t force anyone to try to do things†(â€Å"The Mormon Missionary†). Although most mission trip consist of handing out flyers and talking to people a bout converting, missionaries from the FLDS church find charity work to also occupy the months or years they spend away from their family. When going on the mission trips, the Tabak captures how missionaries have limited contact with friends and family and are trained to be very focused on their job (â€Å"The Mormon Missionary†). Harlow, only 19-years-old, has to wake up at six thirty in the morning and must be asleep at ten thirty at night, Tabak records. He is only allowed weekly emails and two calls per year to his friends and family back home. Tabak says that Harlow is only allowed to speak to a woman if it is about his missionary work, for he is not allowed to date as well. Another example of the importance of missionary work would be in the early 1830s, at the start of Mormonism. Kim Ostman says that the missionaries of the church who traveled from North America to Europe and from Europe, migrating to Finland and Sweden, began to have civil disputes with the authoritie s in these locations (268). Ostman writes about the civil authorities threatening missionaries in order to remove them from their land. Missionaries refused and Ostman pronounces that they continued to hold meetings in house to speaking to citizens about converting to the FLDS church (269). Willing to risk jail time and their lives, Fundamentalist Mormons genuinely believe in missionary work in order to make the world, as they see it, a better place. The biggest value that is associated with the faith of Fundamentalism in the Mormon religion is polygamy. Polygamy is defined as the practice or custom of having more than one wife at the same time (usually wives). The most popular modern polygamy practices have been turned into hit TV shows like Sister Wives, Big Love, and Escaping Polygamy (see figure 3). However, the original Church of Latter-Day Saints banned polygamy in the mid-1800s, and Wagoner exposes the few radical believers who decided to go their separate ways and form their own church, the FLDS. Joseph Smith was a believer in polygamous marriage but only in private (29). O’Kendall White and Daryl White explain that after his death, Joseph Smith had private journals that were published outing his private lifestyles, as well as a book that erased the damnation of polygamous acts (166). Wagoner adds to this by recalling Joseph Smith realizing that in the Old Testament, polygamy was okay to practice, therefore he deci ded that it was a â€Å"true principle†for his people (107). Fundamentalists took this new book and held on to it, therefore earning their name as Fundamentalist Mormons. Jankowaik reports that since the majority of Fundamentalist Mormons are now living in the western part of the United States, there has become a tolerance for them (164). The â€Å"public secret†of western communities that is polygamy shows the continued practice. Because polygamy has become illegal and rumors of sexual abuse and assault were around, Jankowaik says that the government raided towns and arrested men, but later made a deal that they would stop if there were no more reports about sexual abuse (164). This type of negative connotation led to another decrease in members of the FLDS church. Instead of using the decrease in the number of members that practice polygamy to separate, the Fundamentalists built communities to stick together. Colorado City/Centennial Park is a city, Jankowaik says, in which forty-five percent of households are polygamous (165). The town has little to no contact with the outside cities and towns therefore being left alone to practice their beliefs in peace. The Fundamentalist Mormon’s belief in polygamy never dwindled, and they adapted to every obstacle in their way to continue their faith. Fundamentalist Mormons do believe in polygamy, but they value so much more than that. The FLDS church also believes in dedication and the understanding of the role of family. The members who complete missionary work in and out of the church understand the previous values, and put them into action. The FLDS church is not just a part of its beliefs, it is the sum. The entire Latter-Day Saint population is increasing and has been called the fastest growing religion, beginning with a million members and increasing to fourteen million in thirty years, however the Fundamentalist Mormon population is slowly dwindling. However, they are working hard to prove that they are much like the rest of the world and are not the sexual deviants that they are made out to be. Despite having a house of one man, four wives, and seventeen children, they are still people who are trying to survive in the world, just like anyone else.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Team Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Team Work - Research Paper Example As the discussion stresses departmental teams are also long term since they ensure proper manning of their lines of responsibilities at all times to encourage efficiency. Short term teams are self managing and handle frequent system challenges for instance addressing employee discipline issues. During this implementation time, members of the team hold formal and informal meetings where they freely interact with one another. This is the time they evaluate their performance and find out if indeed they are within the set deadlines. Teams play a pivotal role in the workplace and are lauded as the best human resource practice since it acts as learning time for employees. The members present their incomplete ideas in a discussion, and they humbly argue out the case, the strongest option is later adopted by the team as findings. These resolutions are binding upon every member, and the team is wholly accountable for them. This paper outlines that un the article, â€Å"How to Build a Teamwork Culture†by Susan Heathfield, she says that teamwork is core to organizations which value cooperation when handling office tasks. Employees trust that all issues pertaining to planning, decision making and task execution are best undertaken together, this helps in ensuring accuracy since input from different minds reduces risk factors. For instance, decision making on product diversification requires input from the marketing team who roll out campaigns to gauge market response. The finance and accounting team also computes the right prices to offer the new product in the market. These two and other relevant departments get together by holding frequent meetings where they all share their points and areas of concern.Â
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